Dr. Guestasked the President of the Board of Education what number of education authorities are now providing milk in schools at cheap rates or free; and what amount of milk was consumed in the months of January, February and March of this year?
§ Mr. RamsbothamTwo hundred and eighty-eight local education authorities in England and Wales out of a total of 315 are providing free milk for necessitous under-nourished school children. Milk is provided on payment of the reduced price under the Milk in Schools Scheme in some or all of the schools in the areas of 311 local education authorities. According to returns furnished by the Milk Marketing Board, 1,416,667 gallons of milk were supplied under the Milk in Schools Scheme in January last, 1,675,000 gallons in February, and 1,250,000 gallons in March. The lower figure in March is due to the incidence of the Easter holidays.