HC Deb 14 March 1940 vol 358 c1387W
Sir Smedley Crooke

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware that some Royal Air Force reservists who, on re-engagement, although classed grade 2, home service, were sent to France in September last; and, in view of the announcement that the British Expeditionary Force men are to have a second 10 days' leave three months after the first leave, will he take steps then to fill their places with younger and more fit Royal Air Force men and retain the lower grade men for home service?

Sir K. Wood

Men who are classified as "Fit, Grade II, home service only" are not eligible for service oversea. If my hon. Friend has in mind any instance in which this rule appears to have been contravened and will be good enough to send me particulars, I will have inquiries made about it.