HC Deb 06 June 1940 vol 361 cc1001-3W
Mr. R. Gibson

asked the Minister of Supply how many local authorities in the United Kingdom and in Scotland, respectively, have been asked for statistical returns in connection with salvage work for collection of usable material; what has been the response; what quantities pf the principal materials, and what materials, have been recovered during the last available week or period for the United Kingdom and Scotland, respectively; what local authorities in Scotland have indicated they are not undertaking salvage, and why; and whether he has any statement to make regarding materials most urgently required and obtainable by salvage, and how best it may be collected?

Mr. H. Morrison

Statistical returns in connection with salvage work have been asked for from local authorities whose districts comprise a population of 5,000 or over. The number of local authorities in England and Wales which have been asked to make such returns is 1,250, and the number in Scotland, 94. Returns showing salvage sales during the month of April have been received from 858 local authorities in England and Wales and 76 local authorities in Scotland, representing populations of approximately 35,000,000 and 3,500,000 people, respectively.

The quantities of the principal materials sold during April are as follow:—

England and Wales. Scotland.
Tons. Tons.
Paper 14,808 2,310
Metal 12,447 1,133
Textiles 1,374 185
Bones 221 28
Kitchen waste (surplus sold) 1,591 32

Other materials recovered include bottles, jars, cullet, cinders, screened dust, manure, meat meal, dried blood, organic fertilisers, bone meal, fats, fish and fish meal and clinker.

The following Scottish districts have not yet furnished salvage returns or details of any scheme in operation:—

Lochore and Glencraig special scavenging district.

Aitkenhead, Tannochside and Both-well Park special scavenging district.

Baillieston special scavenging district.

Bishopbriggs and Auchinairn special scavenging district.

Burgh of Oban.

The Burgh of Milngavie have indicated that the matter has received consideration but they do not feel that a salvage scheme would be economic; arrangements have been made whereby voluntary organisers collect paper from door to door. In Blantyre special scavenging district no scheme is yet in operation, but the possibility of the collection of waste is to be discussed. The materials most urgently required are those referred to above. Where the local authority has no special refuse separation plant, these are best salvaged by separate collection at the dwelling house. In all cases, however, clean waste paper should be kept separate and handed to the refuse collecter when he calls for the refuse.

Mr. Errington

asked the Minister of Supply whether he will take steps to utilise used crown corks which, at the present time, are being thrown away and wasted?

Mr. Harold Macmillan

The utilisation of crown corks was investigated some months ago, and found to be impracticable by reason of the fact that about 18,000 metal tops are required to produce one cwt. of metal, the scrap value of which is approximately 1s. 6d. The metal can, however, be handed to local authorities for baling with other metal. As cork is only saleable when available in substantial quantities, no outlet has been found for the thin linings of crown corks.

Mr. Rostron Duckworth

asked the Minister of Health whether the total sums realised by different cities throughout the country by the sales of salvage are to be put to the relief of rates in the respective boroughs, or for what purpose this money is to be used?

Mr. M. MacDonald

The statutory provision in this matter is contained in Section 185 of the Local Government Act, 1933 The sums in question will be carried to the general rate fund of the borough and. will be available towards meeting liabilities falling to be discharged out of that fund.

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