HC Deb 25 July 1940 vol 363 cc988-9W
Mr. R. Gibson

asked the Minister of Supply what quantities of scrap-iron, other metals, paper and other salved waste materials were sold during the month of June, 1940, in Scotland, England, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen and Greenock, respectively; and what were the corresponding figures for each of the two preceding months?

Mr. Harold Macmillan

The following table shows the quantities of paper, metals and the more important other materials sold during April, May and June in the places mentioned.

Paper. Ferrous Metal. Non-Ferrous Metal. Textiles. Bones.
ENGLAND AND WALES. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.
April 14,931 11,357 1,091 1,359 219
May 19,804 15,923 948 1,617 260
June 20,283 23,625 962 1,370 245
April 2,187 1,212 20 200 30
May 2,752 1,488 42 121 35
June 2,945 2,341 147 82 36
April 556 198 34
May 686 271 6 31
June 826 928 105 12 3
April 611 299 84 15
May 683 459 2 41 18
June 644 409 2 26 14
April 32 87 8
May 23 84
June (Not yet available)
April 58 89 1 12 2
May 78 130 1 9 3
June 49 103 3 7 3
April 38 9
May 51 18 1
June 46 32

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