HC Deb 25 July 1940 vol 363 c987W
Colonel Carver

asked the Secretary for Petroleum whether he is aware that retail traders can obtain petrol for their vans at 1s. 9d. a gallon, whilst farmers have to pay 1s. 11½d. a gallon for it for their tractors, and whether he will allow the latter, in the interests of food production, to obtain petrol at the lower price?

Mr. Lloyd

I am communicating with the hon. and gallant Member.

Sir Smedley Crooke

asked the Secretary for Petroleum whether he is aware of the disappointment felt by the members of the Voluntary Transport Service in Birmingham, who are rendering good voluntary service by meeting the incoming trains at the railway stations and conveying those service men on leave to their homes at all hours of the night, owing to the inadequate number of petrol coupons issued to them for that purpose; and whether he will take steps to see that they are provided with more coupons for petrol for which they are prepared to pay?

Mr. Lloyd

Details of the scheme, which is administered by the Social Welfare Department of the War Office, were set out in the reply I gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Yardley (Mr. Salt) on 16th April. So far as I am aware, sufficient coupons are being issued for the purposes of the scheme; but inquiries are being made into the particular case to which my hon. Friend refers, and I will communicate with him as soon as possible.