HC Deb 18 July 1940 vol 363 cc409-10W
Mr. C. Brown

asked the Minister of Health (1) whether he is aware that work of great national importance on Government contracts undertaken by firms in the vicinity of Wood Lane, Shepherds Bush, within the Metropolitan borough of Hammersmith, is being seriously impeded by sickness engendered by the stench arising from the premises of Hyganic, Limited; that the Hammersmith Borough Council is receiving large numbers of complaints in respect of this nuisance; and will he take action in this matter;

(2) on what grounds he consented to the making of an Order by the Minister of Supply suspending certain enactments enabling the company, known as Hyganic, Limited, to carry on the business of a manure manufacturer in premises adjoining Wood Lane, Shepherds Bush, within the Metropolitan borough of Hammersmith, in spite of the fact that, but for the Order, this would be completely prohibited by the Public Health (London) Act, 1936; what representations the Hammersmith Borough Council have made to him; and what reply he has returned?

Mr. M. MacDonald

Several weeks ago representations were made by the Hammersmith Metropolitan Borough Council to the effect that these works constituted both a serious nuisance and a detriment to health. After a deputation from the council was received in my Department I sent two of my inspectors to inspect the works in company with officers of the council. As a result I have been advised that, although the process gives rise to some dust and slight smell in the vicinity, it constitutes no danger to health. The Order made under the Defence Regulations by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Supply incorporates the condition that the company shall take such steps as are in my opinion reasonably practicable for reducing the risk of nuisance. My officers are in touch with the company, who have already agreed to carry out certain improvements in the arrangements for handling the material.