HC Deb 18 July 1940 vol 363 cc411-2W
Sir R. Glyn

asked the Minister of Health (1) what steps have been taken by his Department to assist in finding accommodation, and aid for the Channel Island families recently evacuated to this country; and how many of these people have been satisfactorily settled so as to obtain work, in view of the financial difficulties of their position;

(2) how many of the Channel Islanders evacuated to this country have now been found accommodation and employment; and what steps are being taken to ascertain the whereabouts and desires of the others as to what work they are able to undertake and where;

(3) what steps have been taken to assist the unofficial and voluntary committee dealing with matters affecting the welfare of Channel Islanders, evacuated to the United Kingdom, so that the offers of aid and accommodation by British farmers and landowners to house and employ some of these evacuated families can be accepted, by reason of the fact that the unofficial committee's office in Watling Street has neither the means nor the money to deal rapidly with this urgent problem?

Mr. M. MacDonald

Persons evacuated from the Channel Islands who did not on arrival in this country proceed elsewhere by their own arrangements were sent to districts in Scotland, Lancashire, Cheshire and the West Riding, where accommodation has been provided by the local authorities, without charge to those who are unable to contribute to their support. Lists have been obtained from the local authorities of the names of the persons under their care, and an index of these names, to enable them and their relatives to get into touch where possible, has been compiled. The number of these persons is approximately 15,000. I am informed that every effort is being made by Employment Exchanges to help people from the Channel Islands to find work for which they are industrially suitable. Complete reports are not yet available, but those received indicate that a high proportion of those registered at exchanges have already been placed in employment. An officer of my Department sits on the voluntary committee to which my hon. Friend refers, for the purpose of securing its liaison with my own and other Government Departments.