HC Deb 11 July 1940 vol 362 c1369W
Mr. R. Gibson

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the third child of a soldier who has died through war service is in receipt of 5s. per week from the Ministry of Pensions, whereas the third child of a soldier serving in the Army receives only 2s. per week; and if he will take steps to increase the latter sum to 5s., and the allowance of a second child from 4s. to 5s.?

Mr. Eden

The Army family allowance, of which allowances for children form a part, is an addition to the soldier's pay made by the State as a contribution towards the cost of maintaining his family. It is on a different basis from the Ministry of Pensions awards made in respect of a soldier who has lost his life and whose family are deprived of any further contribution from him towards their support.