§ Captain Cobbasked the Minister of Supply what steps have been taken with regard to the setting-up of the proposed area organisation for his Department?
Mr. BurģinI should explain that the country has been divided into 13 areas corresponding to those of the Regional Commissioners for Civil Defence.
For the co-ordination of supply, I have arranged with the Admiralty, Air Ministry, and Ministry of Labour and National Service to set up an Area Organisation Co-ordinating Committee to deal with the problems of Supply which affect the Fighting Services. I have been fortunate to secure the services of Mr. Bertram Austin, who has been appointed Director of Area Organisation of the Ministry of Supply and who is working in close contact with the Supply Departments in setting up the organisation in the areas.
In 12 of these areas there will be Area Boards consisting in most cases of the chief local representatives of the Admiralty, Air Ministry, Ministry of Labour and National Service, and the Ministry of Supply and a Secretary.
The duties of the Boards have been defined as:
- (a) To secure the rapid, effectual and continuous co-ordination of the efforts of all Government officials in the area in connection with the production of war stores.
- (b) To provide for the speedy exchange of information between Ministries and Service Departments and the Area Advisory Committees.
- (c) To settle by agreement, in so far as is possible, all local difficulties likely to delay output.
- (d) To transmit to headquarters proposals for the exploitation of additional capacity found in the area.
- (e) To advise headquarters on the adjustment of difficulties over priority of contracts.
The Board in each area will be advised by one or more Area Advisory Committees. The Committee will consist of representatives of employers nominated by employers' federations and representatives of employés nominated by the Trades Union Congress General Council. The Committee will be served by a secretary provided by the Ministry of Labour and National Service.
784WThe terms of reference to the Committees are:
- (1) To advise the Area Board regarding the efficient output of anything required by the Ministry of Supply and the Defence Departments, and to assist the Board in overcoming local difficulties.
- (2) To survey the area within which the Committee is working with a view to increasing efficient production in the area.
- (3) To consider and make recommendations to the Area Board upon any matter arising out of the terms 1 and 2 except matters which are properly the concern of the Ministry of Labour and National Service or are normally handled by the joint organisation of employers and trade unions in connection with wages and conditions of employment.
An Area Board will be set up in due course in each of the following towns:
- Belfast.
- Birmingham.
- Bristol.
- Cambridge.
- Cardiff.
- Glasgow.
- London (to cover the South-Eastern area).
- Manchester.
- Newcastle.
- Nottingham.
- Reading.
- Sheffield.
The Board at Birmingham is already in being, and further Boards are in course of establishment.
The Area Advisory Committee at Birmingham was inaugurated on 19th January, and Committees at Newcastle, Leeds, Sheffield, Lincoln, Nottingham, Leicester, Bristol, Manchester, Glasgow, and Belfast are being set up immediately.
The establishment of Area Advisory Committees in the following towns is under consideration:
- Basingstoke.
- Bedford.
- Cardiff.
- Chester.
- Edinburgh.
- Ipswich.
- London.
- Preston.
- Reading.
- Rochester.
- Stafford.
- Stockton.
The details of the personnel of the Committees (so far as they have been arranged) are as follow: