HC Deb 23 January 1940 vol 356 cc423-4W
Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been called to the great disparity in the decisions for and against conscientious objectors in the several parts of the country; whether he has issued any regulations to guide those tribunals; and, if not, will he do so?

Mr. E. Brown

I am aware that in the early days of their work the proportions of applicants placed in the different categories showed some disparity as between the various local tribunals. This disparity has now diminished considerably. I have no power to make regulations interpreting the provisions of the Act as to conscientious objectors, but local tribunals will no doubt be guided by the decisions of the Appellate Tribunal, to which there is an unrestricted right of appeal.

Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that the appellate tribunal dealing with conscientious objectors meets in London; that most of those who appear before the tribunal come from a distance and are almost invariably from working-class homes without much means; and will he ask the tribunal to arrange to meet in several parts of the country instead of always in the Metropolis, with a view to saving the money now paid to meet expenses in these cases?

Mr. Brown

The place of sitting is a matter for the tribunal, which, I understand, takes the view that the most satisfactory arrangement is for them to meet in London. I would inform the hon. Member that third-class travelling and subsistence allowances on the usual Treasury scale are payable to applicants and to any witnesses whose attendance is certified by the tribunal to have been necessary.

Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Minister of Labour the number of appeals so far lodged for consideration by the Conscientious Objectors Appellate Tribunal against decisions of local tribunals centred at Manchester, Carlisle, Leeds, and Newcastle, respectively?

Mr. Brown

The figures asked for are as follow:

Local Tribunal. Cases decided up to 23rd December, 1939 Appeals made up to 16th January, 1940.
Manchester 361 92
Carlisle 37 3
Leeds 414 126
Newcastle upon Tyne 193 32