HC Deb 18 January 1940 vol 356 cc237-8W
Mr. Logan

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he has asked for any report from the Government of Northern Ireland of the new acreage applied for, and that actually ploughed under the subsidy conditions; what acreage ploughed has been refused the subsidy, and the reasons given therefor; and whether the £2 an acre grant will be paid in Northern Ireland upon the same conditions as in England and Wales?

Sir R. Dorman-Smith

The answer to the first part of the Question is in the negative. I am informed, however, that, up to 13th January, applications had been received for the grant of £2 per acre for ploughing up seven-year grassland, covering approximately 160,000 acres in Northern Ireland, but figures are not yet available as to the area of land actually ploughed. I have no information as to the acreage, if any, which has not qualified for the grant. The grant will be paid in Northern Ireland on precisely the same conditions as apply in England and Wales.