HC Deb 29 February 1940 vol 357 cc2270-1W
Lieut.-Commander Tufnell

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware that the authorities are withdrawing allowance pay books of the dependants of service men, no reason being given; that in many cases such books are kept for as long as two months, no money being paid to the dependants in question; that in some cases the Unemployment Assistance Board refuses help, with the result that dependants have to apply to private benefit societies for assistance; and whether, in view of the great hardship entitled, he will consider making inquiries into this practice, with a view to stopping it at the earliest possible moment?

Captain Balfour

It is the practice of my Department always to give reasons when it becomes necessary for allowance books to be withdrawn. Under the procedure in force up to 31st January, no allowance was payable when allowance books were withdrawn until the new books were issued. Since 1st February, a revised procedure has been in force whereby new allowance books are issued, except in special cases, simultaneously with the request for the return of the old books. The cases where this is not possible are those that call for investigation and I am assured that there is no avoidable delay in dealing with these.