HC Deb 22 February 1940 vol 357 c1566W
Mr. Joel

asked the Minister of Supply whether he can provide a list of the local authorities which have no organised services for the collection and separation of refuse; and what steps are to be taken to instigate an efficient publicity campaign in this respect?

Mr. Burgin

The Salvage Department of the Ministry of Supply has called for monthly salvage returns from those local authorities whose districts have a population of 10,000 or over (5,000 in Scotland). The question of publishing a summary of the information thus obtained is under consideration.

In answer to the second part of the Question, all local authorities in England, Wales and Scotland have been circularised and urged to commence salvage schemes or extend those already in operation. To stimulate further activity my right hon. Friend the Minister of Health and I have addressed a personal appeal to the Mayors of the Metropolitan Boroughs. I have also invited the Lords Lieutenant of the counties to use their good offices with councils in their respective counties and urge them to set up or extend salvage schemes and seek the co-operation of the voluntary organisations in their areas. An appeal to the general public was made on the 2nd February by Press and broadcast, and it is intended to follow this up by further appeals as the collection machinery becomes more complete.