HC Deb 13 August 1940 vol 364 c629W
Sir Smedley Crooke

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction among certain soldiers of the Border Regiment owing to the deduction in their small pay of 1s. for sports, who are expected to sign for this impost or be marked men; and whether he will consider instructing all commanding officers that men should have their pay given them in full, leaving the question of a subscription to any sports or other funds entirely voluntary?

Mr. Eden

The total amount of all voluntary subscriptions is limited to 2s. a month, and the instructions issued make it quite clear that such subscriptions must be voluntary. I do not think that a subscription of threepence a week for sports can be regarded as in any way excessive—it is much below what would have to be paid in civil life for the same facilities—nor do I think that there are many men who are unwilling to contribute this amount. If my hon. Friend has any case in mind in which a man has been unfairly treated in this matter and will send me particulars, I shall be glad to look into it.