HC Deb 07 August 1940 vol 364 cc228-9W
Miss Ward

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, as adequate nutrition is of paramount importance in the treatment of tuberculosis, and, owing to the rationing of meat, butter, and margarine, and the shortage of eggs, tuberculous persons find difficulty in obtaining a diet suitable to enable them to resist the disease, he will arrange to extend the scheme for the purchase of cheap milk to tuberculous patients receiving domiciliary treatment?

Mr. Boothby

I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer which I gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Romford (Mr. Parker) on 25th July to the effect that for the present it is not possible to consider the extension of the National Milk Scheme to categories of the population other than those for whom it has been devised—expectant and nursing mothers and children under five years of age. There is however no shortage of milk supplies; so that the invalids referred to by my hon. Friend should have no difficulty in obtaining adequate quantities.

Mr. Key

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, in the operation of the scheme for milk distribution to nursing and expectant mothers it is the policy of the Ministry to seek and retain the active cooperation of the local public health authorities?

Mr. Boothby

Yes, Sir. Milk officers operating the National Milk Scheme have interviewed medical officers of health or officers in charge of welfare centres in their areas and are arranging for the welfare centres, so far as possible, to hold stocks of national dried milk and to issue these to holders of Ministry of Food permits who desire to collect the milk at these centres. In many cases welfare centres are also actively helping in distributing application forms to whose who appear to be eligible for the benefits of the scheme, and are giving these applicants advice. Milk officers are also co-operating by exhibiting notices regarding welfare centres, when requested to do so, at milk offices, and by distributing appropriate literature concerning welfare centres with permits or other matter sent to applicants or permit holders under the National Milk Scheme.