HC Deb 06 August 1940 vol 364 cc46-7W
Mr. White

asked the Home Secretary the reason why Celeste Coniola was deported on board the "Arandora Star"?

Sir J. Anderson

This man was reported to be a member of the Italian Fascist party.

Mr. Hammersley

ask the Home Secretary whether he will at an early date present a report to Parliament showing what progress has been made with the release of aliens who ought never to have been interned?

Sir J. Anderson

I would refer my hon. Friend to the reply which I gave on 1st August to a Question by my hon. Friend the Member for East Birkenhead (Mr. White).

Mr. Wedgwood

asked the Home Secretary on what principle Italians have been considered dangerous and interned; and, in particular, why Dr. Franzero, London correspondent of the Giornale d' Italia, is at liberty at Weybridge, while the anti-Fascists, Rinaldo Puris, Ricardo Luzzatto, Raffaele Vineis and Guiseppe Gatti are now interned?

Mr. Peake

Dr. Franzero has been giving broadcast talks, addressed to the Italian public, explaining why he disagreed with the declaration by Italy of war against this country on the side of Germany. The cases of the other Italians referred to by my hon. and gallant Friend will receive consideration. The general principle was to intern Italians known to be members of the Italian Fascist party and all male Italians between the ages of 16 and 70 with less than 20 years residence.

Mr. Thorne

asked the Home Secretary whether he can give any information about Mr. P. Bellini, who was taken away on 11th June to the internee camp at North Mills; is he aware that on 5th July a parcel was sent to the camp for Mr. Bellini containing a suit of clothes and a pair of boots, which was returned less a coat and the boots, the label saying cannot be traced; and whether, when internees are removed from one camp to another the parents are notified of the change?

Mr. Peake

The incidents referred to occurred before the transfer to the Home Office of responsibility for the control of the camps; but my right hon. Friend will make inquiries into the case. As regards the last part of the Question, it has not been the practice to notify the relatives of an internee of his transfer from one camp to another, but my right hon. Friend is considering what arrangements can be made to secure this in future.