HC Deb 01 August 1940 vol 363 c1423W
Mr. R. C. Morrison

asked the Minister of Supply for what reason the sale of salvage in the borough of Camberwell, with a population of 229,000, realised during June the sum of £102 only; and what action he proposes to take?

Mr. Harold Macmillan

The small value of salvage sales made in June by the borough of Camberwell is, according to my information, mainly due to the lack of an efficient salvage scheme. On 26th June my right hon. Friend issued a compulsory direction to that borough, in common with others with a population of over 10,000, to provide an efficient service for collecting salvage, and I am informed that they have now introduced more adequate arrangements. My right hon. Friend will continue to watch the results in Camberwell as elsewhere.

Mr. Rostron Duckworth

asked the Minister of Supply how many local authorities in Lancashire are now collecting salvage on the lines prescribed by his Department; and what action he is taking in cases where this collection is not being properly carried out?

Mr. Macmillan

According to the returns received by the Ministry of Supply for the month of June, the number of local authorities in Lancashire who were collecting salvage was as follows:

County Borough Councils 17
Municipal Borough Councils 26
Urban District Councils 56
Rural District Councils 14

At the end of June my right hon. Friend issued compulsory directions to all the local authorities with a population of over 10,000 requiring them to provide an efficient service for the collection of waste paper, metals and household bones. The reports and monthly returns supplied under these directions are examined by the Salvage Department of the Ministry, and in any cases where this collection is not being properly carried out my right hon. Friend will take such steps as are appropriate to ensure that the directions are complied with.