HC Deb 18 April 1940 vol 359 c1154W
Mr. Price

asked the Minister of Labour in what age category of liability for military service will those persons be classed who work on farms during the summer months and in woods at timber felling or planting in the winter?

Mr. E. Brown

The decision would depend on what should, in the individual circumstances, be regarded as the man's normal occupation. Farm workers are, in general, reserved at the age of 21, and timber fellers and forest workers at 25. Normally a man registered under the National Service (Armed Forces) Act is reserved at the age of reservation appropriate to the occupation he is following at the time of his registration. A man who changes his occupation, unless such change is merely temporary, does not continue to hold the reservation of his former occupation but is afforded the measure of reservation, if any, appropriate to his new occupation.