HC Deb 17 April 1940 vol 359 cc975-6W
Mr. Hannah

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Home Security, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether his attention has been called to the fact that, while the National Allotments Society is promoting a vigorous "dig for victory" campaign, ordinary flowers are being set out in the London parks; and will he see that these parks are used at least in part for growing food?

Mr. Mabane

As stated on 21st February in reply to a Question by my hon. Friend the Member for North Norfolk (Sir T. Cook), extensive arrangements have already been made for growing food in the Royal Parks in London. Sixty-three acres have been set aside for allotments and 80 acres are under cultivation for oats and root crops. In addition, a proportion of the greenhouse space is being used for cultivating tomatoes, lettuce and French beans, and potatoes and other vegetables are to be grown in some of the flower beds. Having regard to what has been done in this direction and to the pleasure and recreation which the parks afford to multitudes of users, my Noble Friend feels that the balance of advantage lies in not making too drastic a sacrifice of the flowers.