HC Deb 28 September 1939 vol 351 c1522W
Colonel Baldwin-Webb

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information (1) why the Ministry has undertaken the exclusive reporting of a visit of the King and Queen to a function of wide general interest connected with the war; is he aware that accredited newspapers and news agencies were refused permission to attend or to report; and what is the reason for this discrimination on an occasion of such importance;

(2) whether he can give a clear statement as to the policy of the Ministry in respect to normal journalistic activities; and on what grounds it claims a monopoly of reporting certain functions of public interest?

Sir E. Grigg

My hon. and gallant Friend is under a misapprehension in suggesting that the Ministry has undertaken the exclusive reporting of this or any other function of public interest. On this occasion, the reporting of the Royal visit was arranged by the War Office. With regard to policy, my Noble Friend is most anxious that all possible facilities, consistent with the over-riding necessities of war, should be given to the Press.