HC Deb 04 October 1939 vol 351 c1966W
Mr. T. Williams

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what special assistance has been provided by the Ceylon Government to the working classes in those areas of Ceylon where they have suffered acutely from poor crops?

Mr. M. MacDonald:

The assistance provided by the Ceylon Government to the working classes in areas affected by the failure of crops in 1938 has been given in eight out of the 19 revenue districts of the island, where distress owing to this failure continued during the current year.

Works on a wide scale were organised to provide employment for the able-bodied. Allowances were paid to those incapable of working, and meals were provided in schools for children in attendance. Seed paddy was issued to enable advantage to be taken of the rains which fell during the second quarter of 1939, and facilities were granted whereby cultivation could be undertaken without families being deprived of the opportunity of earning wages in relief works.

The total amount spent by the Ceylon Government from 1st October, 1938, to 1st August, 1939, was Rs.3,428,880. Of this sum almost the whole was spent on wages to workers.