HC Deb 24 May 1939 vol 347 c2306W
Sir D. Thomson

asked the Minister of Transport whether he has drawn the attention of the Edinburgh authorities to the fact that, according to the Return for 1938, one person per 8,608 of the population was killed in road accidents in 1938; that in Aberdeen one in 16,725; in Dundee one in 12,542; in Glasgow one in 9,465; and whether he is satisfied that adequate and reasonable arrangements are made in Edinburgh by way of islands, pedestrian crossings, and automatic signals for the safety of the population?

Captain Wallace

I have not considered it necessary formally to draw the attention of the Edinburgh Corporation to the accident figures quoted by my hon. Friend. I am advised that the safety measures now being taken by the corporation should be adequate to deal with the existing traffic conditions.

I may add that I recently approved a scheme, which is now being completed, for the provision of a further 41 pedestrian crossings in Edinburgh and I understand that the corporation are at present considering the provision of additional traffic signals, pedestrian crossings and islands.