HC Deb 24 May 1939 vol 347 c2323W
Mr. Gallacher

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will take steps to see that the parents or grandparents of conscripts who have to seek assistance at the public assistance committee to supplement their old age pensions will receive an allowance sufficient to relieve them of the necessity of going to the public assistance committee while the son or grandson is serving in the Army?

Sir V. Warrender

Details of the scheme for the provision of allowances for dependants, other than wives and children, of militiamen are still under consideration, and I cannot at present add to the statement made by my right hon. Friend on Wednesday, 17th May last.

Process. Refined Motor Spirit. Other Refined Light Oils. Creosote and Heavy Oils.
Million Gallons. Million Gallons. Million Gallons.
Hydrogenation 42.3
High temperature carbonization 54.7 13.9 105.0*
Low temperature carbonization 1.3
* Some proportion of these heavy oils are hydrogenated to obtain the quantity of motor spirit shown.