HC Deb 12 May 1939 vol 347 c868W
Mr. Gallacher

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware of the gradual restriction of public meeting places in London, owing to the police practice of banning meetings at traditional meeting spots wherever traffic-lights are being erected; and whether, in view of the threat to free speech implied in such constant diminution of the number of meeting places, he will consult with the Metropolitan police authorities with a view to reducing to a minimum the places where meetings are ordered to be discontinued; and will he, where traffic necessities compel the banning in any particular place, ensure by consultation between the police and local organisations, that equivalent meeting facilities are provided in the vicinity?

Sir S. Hoare

According to the records of the Commissioner of Police there have been only five cases in which the installation of traffic signals has interfered with sites used regularly for meetings and in each case no objection has been raised by the police to the substituted use of another suitable site in the vicinity.