HC Deb 23 March 1939 vol 345 cc1469-70W
Mr. H. G. Williams

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education whether he can state the reason for the increase in the staff of the Board from 2,101 in 1935 to 2,386 in 1939, despite the fact that the average attendance in public elementary schools has fallen in the same period from 4,748,000 to 4,392,000?

Mr. Lindsay:

The increase of administrative, inspectorial and clerical staff has in the main been necessitated by additional work arising out of the Government's programme of educational reform issued in October, 1935, and out of the Education Act, 1936, which provided, inter alia, for the raising of the school-leaving age. In addition a new organisation with a staff of 83 has had to be created for the administration of the Physical Training and Recreation Act, 1937. Some part of the increase of staff is due to developments in the work of the Science Museum. The fall in the average attendance at public elementary schools which is spread over the whole country does not result in any diminution in the administrative duties of the Board.