HC Deb 22 March 1939 vol 345 cc1295-6W
Mr. W. Robinson

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can make any statement on the amendments to the Workmens' Compensation Bill in Barbados, which were referred to a Select Committee?

Mr. M. MacDonald

The Bill, which is modelled on the workmen's compensation legislation in operation in Trinidad and other West Indian Colonies, is a Private Member's Bill and was introduced with the full support of the Governor. I am informed that the Barbados Legislature was prorogued while the Bill was in the Committee stage, and that when it is re-introduced certain amendments which I have suggested will be moved by the Attorney-General of the Colony with the agreement of the Private Member concerned.

Mr. W. Robinson

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can give any information on the steps taken in Barbados in pursuance of the recommendations of the Commission on the disturbances in Barbados; whether a labour adviser has been appointed; whether the regulations under the Minimum Wage Fixing Board have been drafted and advisory boards set up; and what steps have been reached as regards the Trade Unions Bill?

Mr. M. MacDonald

Since the reply which I gave to a question by the hon. Member for Dewsbury on the 14th December, rules for the constitution, appointment, and duties of advisory boards in Barbados have been approved under the Minimum Wages Act, and will be promulgated shortly. The Governor proposes to appoint in the first instance a board to advise on the terms of employment of shop assistants and employees in bakeries. A Voluntary Committee is now reviewing the wages of manual labour in Bridgetown and also considering conditions in bakeries, and the Governor proposes to await its recommendations before proceeding further.

The Trade Union Bill, which was before a Select Committee of the Legislature last December has been amended to include provisions for exemption from tortious acts, and for legalising peaceful picketing. The Bill was reintroduced and read a first time in the House of Assembly on the 28th February.

As regards the appointment of a Labour Officer, I regret that owing to the shortage of officers with the requisite qualifications and experience who would be attracted by this post, I have not yet been able to make a selection.