HC Deb 17 March 1939 vol 345 c794W
Mr. Parkinson

asked the Minister of Labour, whether he will state the number of persons who have volunteered for National Service in Lancashire, giving numbers in full, and also the percentage of requirements, to the latest possible date?

Mr. E. Brown

The number of applications which passed through the Local Offices of the Ministry of Labour in Lancashire from 25th January to 11th March, was 38,740. Including applications which did not pass through those Offices and of which I have no precise statistics I should estimate the total at 60,000 or more.

My right hon. Friend the Lord Privy Seal is giving in reply to another question from the hon. Member the numbers of persons enrolled for air-raid precautions services in Lancashire and the percentage of requirements. It is not possible to give similar figures for other branches of National Service, except in the case of the East and West Lancashire Divisions of the Territorial Army and the National Defence Companies. These two Territorial Units had 14,330 on their strength on 1st March which is 101 percent. of the peace-time establishment, and the National Defence Companies had 1,040, which is 84 per cent. of their quota.

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