HC Deb 10 March 1939 vol 344 cc2516-8W
Sir R. Young

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he will state the reasons for the special promotion of a number of executive commissioned warrant officers to lieutenant to date, 1st December; the number and branches of those officers so promoted; whether any engineer commissioned warrant officers are to be similarly promoted; and whether engineer warrant officers are to be included in the new scheme of promotion to lieutenant?

Mr. Shakespeare

The special promotion of executive commissioned warrant officers to date 1st December, 1938, implements the decision taken about a year ago that the existing quota of lieutenants (ex-warrant), i.e., 8 per cent., be increased in certain categories according to requirements. It is intended, for the time being, to work up to 10 per cent. The number and branches concerned axe as follow:

Gunner 7
Gunner 6
Boatswain 3
Signal Boatswain 1
Telegraphist 2
Master-at-Arms 0
Shipwright 3
Ordnance 2
Electrical 2

Orders will shortly be issued for the special promotion, to date 6th March, 1939, of nine commissioned engineers to lieutenant (E) to bring the percentage in that branch up to 10. There are no eligible candidates in the mechanician branch.

As regards the last part of the question, consideration is being given to the best method of meeting the increased requirements for engineer officers of the expanding Fleet.

Sir R. Young

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether any difficulty is being experienced in obtaining engineer officers and, if so, from what sources; the number of engineer special-entry cadets entered last year and to be entered this year; the number of cadet-ships awarded last year to artificer apprentices and the dates; and whether large numbers of apprentices are likely to be promoted this year?

Mr. Shakespeare

Twenty commissions in the engineer branch were available last year for candidates from the Universities in connection with each of the two entries, and the same number are available this year. The numbers of applications and appointments last year were as follow:

Entry. Number of Applicants. Number of Applicants.
April, 1938, for appointment in September, 1938. 2 1
November, 1938, for appointment in February, 1939. 1 1

The number of artificers promoted to acting sub-lieutenant (E) in 1938 was seven.

The number of artificers who have received recommendations as likely to become suitable for promotion to commissioned rank is 42; the number of these who have passed the examination, which is both professional and educational, is eight; in addition three other artificers have passed this examination and are still eligible if recommended. The number of artificers to be promoted this year will depend on the number of those who are finally recommended as suitable for promotion.