HC Deb 06 March 1939 vol 344 cc1761-2W
Mr. T. Williams

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he has any statement to make on the threatened strike against the Milk Marketing Board of producer-retailers of milk?

Sir R. Dorman-Smith

I am informed that at the annual general meeting of the National Federation of Milk Producer-Retailers a resolution was passed refusing to complete the returns which producer-retailers are required to render to the board or to pay contributions under the scheme until the case of one of their members, on whom a penalty was imposed by the board, had been settled to the satisfaction of the federation. I can only express my regret that the federation have not seen fit to consider the adoption of the constitutional means which have been provided by Parliament for the investigation of grievances which producers may have against the board.

Colonel Burton

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he can state the total number of questions a retailer-producer of milk is required to answer weekly in connection with the requirements of the Milk Board?

Sir R. Dorman-Smith

Producer-retailers are required to furnish each month to the Milk Marketing Board a return relating to their production and sales of milk. Information is required under nine heads, but the extent to which answers (other than the word "None") must be given depends upon the nature of the producer's business. Producer-retailers are also required to keep a daily record of their production and sales of milk, from which the monthly return is made up. These daily returns are retained by the producers, but they must be available for inspection by the board's officers if required. I am sending my hon. and gallant Friend a copy of the form of returns in question.

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