HC Deb 27 June 1939 vol 349 cc241-2W
Mr. Stephen

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he can state the number of applications which have been received by the Housing Committee of the Corporation of Glasgow for rehousing from citizens resident in the Camlachie Parliamentary Division for each year during the last 10 years, and the number of people in the division who have been rehoused in each of those years in view of the great overcrowding in this area of the city?

Mr. Colville

I regret that the information asked for by the hon. Member is not available.

Mr. Hunter

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) whether he has considered representations from burghs in Scotland urging that the existing Housing Acts should be extended to enable local authorities to proceed with the erection of houses for persons not covered by existing provisions relating to slum-clearance or overcrowding; and, in particular, to enable local authorities to make provision for the housing of newly-married couples, for which there is a pressing demand; and what action he proposes to lake in the matter;

(2) whether he is aware that among the burghs of Scotland there is a strong desire that the existing Housing Acts should be extended to make provision for the reconditioning of existing houses which are regarded by local authorities as suitable for reconditioning; and if he will receive a representative deputation of the Convention of Royal Burghs of Scotland on the subject of housing?

Mr. Westwood

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he has now considered the resolutions from the Convention of Royal Burghs reaffirming their view that grants should be available for reconditioning houses which are suitable for same and also the provision of subsidy for erection of houses for the normal development of the population; and what action does he propose to meet the claims of the convention?

Mr. Mathers

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he has considered the representations made to him by the town council of Bo'ness with regard to the reconditioning of dwelling-houses and the need for providing for the erection of houses for young married couples, single persons and elderly couples; and whether he has any statement to make?

Mr. Colville

I would refer the hon. Members to the answer given to the right hon. Member for Kirkcaldy Burghs (Mr. Kennedy) on this subject on the 14th June. I have arranged to meet representatives of the Convention of Royal Burghs on the 14th July.

Mr. Johnstone

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when the report of the Scottish Housing Advisory Committee upon the question of house management in Scotland is likely to be published?

Mr. Colville

This report is now in my hands and will be published as soon as possible.