HC Deb 16 June 1939 vol 348 cc1685-6W
Mr. De la Bère

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware of the practice of many electricity supply undertakings of making a charge in respect of rent for domestic meters, notwithstanding the fact that the cost of such meters frequently has been met many times over by the consumer; that protests by renters at this practice have been met in some cases by threats to discontinue the supply of current unless the consumer continues to pay the meter rent; and whether, in view of the hardship which this practice involves in the case of consumers of limited means, he will consider the introduction of legislation designed to eliminate domestic meter rents entirely?

Captain Wallace

The principle of a charge for meter rent has been recognised by Parliament. The charge is normally a matter for agreement between the consumer and the undertakers or, in case of difference, to be determined by the Electricity Commissioners. I do not think it would be reasonable to prohibit separate charges for meters irrespective of circumstances.

Mr. De la Bère

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that many electricity supply undertakings make a recurring charge over long periods in respect of the wiring of premises by them, despite the fact that the cost of such wiring may have been more than covered; that frequently consumers have the utmost difficulty in ascertaining how much has been paid in wiring charges and for how much they are still liable; and whether he will take powers by which the consumer may be protected against further demands once the cost of the wiring has been met?

Captain Wallace

The question of the provision of facilities for assisted wiring and of the rates or terms to be offered by authorised undertakers is one of the matters which the Government have under consideration in connection with legislation for the re-organisation of distribution.