§ Mr. C. Wilsonasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will state the net receipts of revenue for the year ended 31st March, 1939, in respect of beer, home and imported, respectively; spirits, 1121W home and imported, respectively; wine, home and imported, respectively; liquor licences; monopoly value; hops, imported?
§ Sir J. SimonThe approximate net receipts of Customs and Excise Revenue in the United Kingdom from the specified articles during the year ended 31st March, 1939, were as follow:
£ Beer: Home-made 62,370,000 Imported 3,211,000 Total 65,581,000 Spirits: Home-made 30,950,000 Imported 4,714,000 Total 35,664,000 Wine, imported 4,825,000 Sweets, including British wines 527,000 Liquor licences 4,489,000 Monopoly value 347,000 Hops, imported 171,000