HC Deb 26 July 1939 vol 350 c1483W
Sir J. Mellor

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in respect of their claims under the Czecho-Slovakia (Restrictions on Banking Accounts, etc.) Act, individual holders of bonds, issued or guaranteed by the former Czecho-Slovak Government, were required to register on or before 17th June, or whether claims lodged by the issuing agents or trustees for the loans were accepted; and whether the trustees for the Czecho-Slovakia 8 per cent. sterling loan and the Austrian Government 4½per cent. guaranteed conversion loan lodged claims on behalf of all British bondholders?

Captain Crookshank

Pending submission of a detailed scheme to Parliament I cannot answer questions about its scope. As regards the date for lodging claims, it was announced in the Press on 30th May that claims would still be accepted for registration provided that the Treasury were satisfied that there was good reason for the claims not having been lodged by 17th June.

Mr. Harvey

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in view of the inadequacy of all existing available funds for assisting the emigration and permanent settlement of refugees from Czecho-slovakia, His Majesty's Government will consider the allocation of some portion of the unexpended loan of £6,000,000 which was granted to the Czecho-Slovak Government?

Captain Crookshank

The unexpended balance, which amounts to about £3,500,000, of the Free Gift to the former Czecho-Slovak Government will be used to assist refugees from Czecho-Slovakia. I fear that I can hold out no hopes of any further amount being made available for that purpose.