HC Deb 26 July 1939 vol 350 cc1477-9W
Mr. R. Morgan

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether it is still the practice to send Colonial Office officials abroad to study conditions in overseas territories; and to what extent the higher officials of the Department are expected to have such first-hand knowledge?

Mr. M. MacDonald

Yes, Sir. All newly appointed Members of the Administrative Grade are under an obligation to undertake a tour of service in a Colony, Protectorate or Mandated Territory. It is also our policy that Higher Officials should visit the Colonies with which they deal. Thus, visits have been made this year to Jamaica, British Honduras, Bahamas, Bermuda, Aden, Ceylon and St. Helena, and further visits are being arranged. I might add that two of the Assistant Under-Secretaries of State had extensive service in the Colonies before being appointed to their present posts in the Colonial Office.

Mr. Woods

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how many Indian daily-paid workers are in the employ of the Government of Ceylon?

Mr. M. MacDonald

The number is approximately 7,000.

Minimum Wages of Indian unskilled Agricultural Labour.
Year Low-Country. Mid-Country. Up-Country
Men. Women. Children. Men. Women. Children. Men. Women. Children
Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents.
1929(a) 50 40 30 52 41 31 54 43 32
1930(a) 50 40 30 52 41 31 54 43 32
193(a) 50 40 30 52 41 31 54 43 32
1932(b) 41 33 24 43 35 25 49 79 29
1933(c) 35 28 20 37 30 21 41 33 25
1934(c) 41 33 24 43 35 25 49 39 29
1935(c)(d) 41 33 24 43 35 25 49 39 29
1936 (c)(d) 41 33 24 43 35 25 49 39 29
1937(c)(d) 41 33 24 43 35 25 49 39 29
1938(c)(d) 41 33 24 43 35 25 49 39 29
1939(c)(d)(e) 45 36 27 47 37 28 49 39 29
(a) These rates include an issue of good unblended rice at Rs.6.40 a bushel and a free issue of rice to widows with dependants and for non-working children. Boys above sixteen or girls above fifteen are reckoned as men and women respectively.
(b) As at note (a) except that the maximum price of rice was reduced to Es.4.80.
(c)These rates are only legal minima. Industrious pluckers in tea fields and industrious rubber tappers earn higher rates.
(d)On the understanding that the issue price of rice should not exceed Rs.4.80 per bushel.
(e)As from 12th June, 1939.