HC Deb 19 July 1939 vol 350 cc430-3W
Mr. E. Smith

asked the Secretary for Mines (1) whether he can give the average number of persons employed in the North Staffordshire area and the number of conveyors and coal-cutting machines in use, for the years, respectively, of 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, and 1938;

(2) whether he can give the total amount of coal mined in the North Staffordshire area; and the amount of coal mined by machinery for the years, respectively, 1920, 1925, 193o, 1935 and 1938?

Mr. Lloyd

The information is as follows:

were employed; and the average wages paid per person during the same period?

Mr. Lloyd

The information is as follows:

North Staffordshire 1920–1938.
Year. Average number of wage-earners employed. Average output of saleable coal per wage-earner. Average annual cash earnings per wage-earner (exclusive of the value of allowances in kind.*)
Tons. £
1920 36,897 165 185
1922 34,217 169 } Not available
1923 34,639 190
1924 34,845 186
1925 34,694 171
1927 32,493 188 112
1928 28,223 193 102
1929 27,727 214 107
1930 25,778 219 107
1931 23,181 233 113
1932 22,261 252 113
1933 22,346 260 113
1934 22,580 279 119
1935 22,280 302 125
1936 22,660 316 113
1937 23,272 314 149
1938 23,169 300 147
* The value of allowances in kind is not available for North Staffordshire separately, but for Lancashire, Cheshire and North Staffordshire, it averaged about nos. od. per annum.
Notes. — (1) The years 1921 and 1926 have been omitted, as they were affected by prolonged national disputes.
(2) Prior to 1925, the particulars of persons employed relate to those "ordinarily employed," and subsequently to the average number of persons on Colliery Books, based upon four selected dates. The figures for the years 1920–1923 include Clerks and Salaried Persons, which cannot be separately distinguished.

Mr. E. Smith

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he will state the numbers of mines engaged in the production of coal, together with the numbers of persons employed in the North Staffordshire area, above and below ground, during the

Number of Coal Mines at work, and the number of Persons Employed above and below ground in Great Britain and North Staffordshire in the years1920, 1925, 1930, 1935 and1938.
Year. Great Britain. North Staffordshire.
Number of Coal Mines at work during the year. Number of Persons Employed. Number of Coal Mines at work during the year. Number of Persons Employed
Below-ground. Above-ground (including Clerks and Salaried Persons. Total. Below-ground Above- ground Below- (including ground. Clerks and Salaried Persons). Total.
1920 2,677 972,838 253,091 1,225,929 71 28,725 8,172 36,897
1925 2,586 878,679 223,763 1,102,442 78 27,630 7,705 35,335
1930 2,186 739,056 192,320 931,376 67 20,113 6,283 26,396
1935 1,930 600,336 169,138 769,474 74 16,872 5,971 22,843
1938 1,976 614,478 176,410 790,888 59 I7.325 6,471 23,796
Note. —In 1920, the particulars of Persons Employed relate to those "ordinarily employed", and in subsequent years, to the average number of Persons on Colliery Books, based upon four selected dates,

years 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, and 1938; and will he give the comparable figures for the whole industry?

Mr. Lloyd

The information is as follows:

Mr. G. Braithwaite

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he will state the average output per person employed in the North Staffordshire coalfield each year from 1913 to 1938, inclusive?

Mr. Lloyd

The information is as follows:

Average output of coal per person employed at mines in North Staffordshire.
Year. Tons.
1913 235
1014 223
1915 231
1916 224
1917 219
1918 197
1919 173
1920 165
1922 169
1923 190
1924 186
1925 171
1927 188
1928 193
1929 214
1930 319
1931 233
1932 252
1933 260
1934 279
1935 302
1936 316
1937 314
1938 300
Note. —The years 1921 and 1926 have been omitted as they were affected by prolonged national disputes.