HC Deb 19 July 1939 vol 350 cc426-7W
Sir R. Glyn

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how much money has been spent during the last two years on the supply of water and the improvement of communications and harbours in the West African colonies; and how much of this was borne by local taxes and how much by the Colonial Development Fund or by private enterprise?

Mr. M. MacDonald

The amounts provided from local revenue (either actual or estimated) are as follow:

Waterworks. Improvement of Communications. Improvement of Harbours.
£ £ £
Gambia 3,976 6,499 500
Gold Coast 133.757 490,831 20,330
Nigeria 175,200 488,335 37.910
Sierra Leone 4,904 64,230 1,100

In addition, considerable sums are spent in Nigeria on waterworks and road improvements by the native administrations. These amounts are in the neighbourhood of £118,000 and £200,000 respectively over the two-year period. Corresponding figures for Gambia, the Gold Coast and Sierra Leone are not available.

The above figures are necessarily approximate, since they do not include any proportion of the salaries of the officers employed on these works.

No information is available regarding sums spent by private enterprise.

Issues from the Colonial Development Fund during the period 1st July, 1937, to 30th June, 1939, which are not included in the totals above, were:

Water supply, Bathurst 4.500
Gold Coast.
Air Services Ground Organisation 54,85O
Air Services Ground Organisation 51,000
Sierra Leone.
Canalisation of Streams and improvement of Street Drainage, Freetown 4,860
Circular Road round Peninsula 13,675

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