HC Deb 12 July 1939 vol 349 cc2275-6W
Mr. Mander

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will state the reason for the expulsion of the director and deputy-director of the official news agency from Jerusalem?

Mr. M. MacDonald

I assume that this question refers to the recent expulsion from Palestine of the director and deputy-director of the German News Agency. In accordance with the usual practice, no reasons were given when the decision to expel these two persons was communicated to the German Government, and I am unable to make any public statement on the subject.

Mr. Sutcliffe

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that large numbers of Jews have recently entered Palestine illegally; and what action His Majesty's Government intend to take in the matter?

Mr. M. MacDonald

Yes, Sir. As the House knows, His Majesty's Government announced their readiness to facilitate the immigration of Jews into Palestine up to a figure of 75,000 during the five years from 1st April last. We are particularly anxious to help the settlement of Jewish refugees from Central Europe, and special provision was therefore made for the admission of these. But during the last few months there has been an organised attempt to defeat the proper regulation of immigration by a traffic in illegal immigrants; and as many of these illegal immigrants are Jews from Poland and Roumania, the movement even threatens to some extent our effort to help refugees.

His Majesty's Government are determined to prevent this attempt to defeat the law of Palestine, an attempt which in any case is perpetuating bitterness in the country. As the House is aware, the numbers of illegal immigrants who remain in Palestine are being deducted from future quotas of legal immigrants. These numbers have been such lately that I have now authorised the High Commissioner to announce that no immigration quota will be issued for the next quota period, that is, for the six months from the 1st October to the 31st March next. Whether there will be a resumption of immigration quotas after that date must depend upon the circumstances then prevailing regarding illegal immigration