HC Deb 04 July 1939 vol 349 cc1122-3W
Mr. Gallacher

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he has considered resolutions from the Markinch Town Council raising the question of a subsidy for reconditioning of houses within the burgh and the further question of a subsidy for houses for occupation by tenants other than those who come within the scope of the Housing Acts relating to slum-clearance and overcrowding; and will he expedite inquiries into these matters in order to satisfy the demands of this and other local authorities?

Mr. Colville

I would refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave on this subject on 27th June.

Mr. Chapman

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland to what extent the housing needs of Glasgow, and of Scotland as a whole, as estimated in 1935, have been met?

Mr. Colville

The needs for slum clearance and the relief of overcrowding as estimated in 1935 have been met to the extent of 12 per cent. in Glasgow and 23 per cent. in Scotland as a whole.

Mr. Chapman

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will state the number of working-class houses completed by the Glasgow Corporation during each of the last 10 years and in the first five months of 1939?

Mr. Colville

Following is the answer:

Housing in Glasgow.
Number of working-class houses completed by the Corporation of Glasgow daring each of the 10 years 1929 to 1938 inclusive and in the first five months of 1939.
Year. Number of Houses Completed.
1929 6,367
1930 3,227
1931 2,686
1932 2,416
1933 2,843
1934 4,439
1935 3,926
1936 1,985
1937 1,841
1938 2,788
First five months of 1939 858

Mr. Chapman

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he can state the number of local authority houses built per 1,000 of the population during the last three years in Glasgow and in the whole of Scotland, respectively?

Mr. Colville

The numbers are six per thousand in Glasgow and ten in Scotland as a whole.

Mr. Leonard

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what proportion of local authorities in Scotland make use of the powers contained in the Small Dwellings (Acquisition) Acts to make advances to purchasers of houses?

Mr. Colville

According to returns received from local authorities 10 county councils and II town councils make use of the powers referred to.