HC Deb 03 July 1939 vol 349 cc949-50W
Sir R. Glyn

asked the Secretary of State for War what arrangements have been made in connection with the new barracks at Shrivenham with, and apart from, the local educational authority for the provision of adequate educational accommodation; how many children is it estimated must be provided for in the various types of school; and to what extent will any part of this cost fall upon the country rates?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

The provision of educational facilities for the children of soldiers who may be stationed at Shrivenham is in the hands of the Berkshire Education Committee, who, as the local education authority, are charged with the duty of providing for the elementary education of children. It is estimated that the approximate number of children concerned is 130 infants, 130 juniors and 100 senior children. I have no information regarding the proportion of cost, if any, which will fall upon the county rates.

Sir R. Glyn

asked the Secretary of State for War when the new barracks at Shrivenham will be occupied by troops; whether there has been any alteration made in the establishment; if so, what are the adjusted figures for officers and other ranks; how many of these will have married quarters provided; and what is the accommodation for motor vehicles?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

It is hoped that occupation will begin next October. It would not be in the public interest to disclose the information asked for in the rest of the question.

Sir R. Glyn

asked the Secretary of State for War whether any direct contribution is to be made to the local authority for the cost of improving the roads leading to the War Department property at Shrivenham; and whether, in view of the increased volume of heavy traffic of all classes that must in future use the roads in the district, he will consult with the Minister of Transport with a view to an increased grant being made to compensate for the increased wear and tear?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

Discussions on the subject of road improvements are proceeding between the county surveyor and the local military authorities, and any representations which the county council may desire to put forward will receive consideration.

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