HC Deb 27 February 1939 vol 344 cc916-7W
Mr. R. Morgan

asked the Postmaster-General what is the present approximate number of licences in force in respect of television receivers; what is the approximate annual revenue there form; what has been the annual cost of the television ser vice since its introduction; and who has borne the difference between this cost and the revenue from television licences?

Sir W. Womersley

The reception of television is at present regarded as covered by the ordinary wireless receiving licences and no special television licence is required. I am informed by the British Broadcasting Corporation that the annual revenue costs of the television service, together with depreciation on capital expenditure, were: in 1936, £111,500; in 1937, £277,149; and in 1938, £352,846. The proportion of the revenue from wire less licence fees paid to the Corporation during these years was increased to take account of the estimated cost of the television service.