§ Mr. C. Wilsonasked the Home Secretary whether he can state the number of police inspectors, superintendents and/or officers of similar rank who are now serving terms of imprisonment in consequence of misappropriation of police funds; and whether he is fully satisfied that the methods for dealing with such funds in all police services are thoroughly satisfactory; and, if not, whether he will take steps to see that they are placed upon a thoroughly satisfactory footing?
§ Sir S. HoareI regret to say that three officers are serving terms of imprisonment for offences in connection with benevolent funds maintained by various police forces in England and Wales; but it would be a mistake to infer from these cases that there is any general failure to exercise proper care in the management of these funds. It is, of course, important in connection with all benevolent funds, whether organised by the police or by any other1394W bodies of workers, that there shall be a proper check and methods of audit, but my information is that the funds organised by police forces are generally speaking very well managed.