HC Deb 07 February 1939 vol 343 cc758-9W
Major Owen

asked the Postmaster-General whether he will state the number and locations of the wireless transmitting and receiving stations Cable and Wireless, Limited, are about to close down; how many stations will remain; and whether he is, on strategic grounds, satisfied that there is an adequate number of wireless stations still remaining at the disposal of this country in times of emergency?

Sir W. Womersley

I am informed by the company that the only wireless station which they propose to close down in the near future is the transmitting station at Carnarvon. This will leave eight stations operated by the company; and as my right hon. Friend the Postmaster-General stated in reply to a question by my hon. Friend the Member for Bodmin (Mr. Rathbone) on 12th December last, the company contemplate the eventual transfer of the installations at three of these stations to other existing stations. The Government is assured that the proposed concentration will not endanger strategic requirements.

Major Owen

asked the Postmaster-General whether he will state the number of men who will be compulsorily retired as a result of the closing down of the wireless station at Carnarvon; what is the average age of these employés; what is the average number of years they have teen employed by Cable and Wireless, Limited, and its predecessor; what compensation, if any, is to be paid to those who are not entitled to pensions; and whether he is satisfied that this is in accordance with the undertaking given in this House at the time of the merger?

Sir W. Womersley

The wireless station at Carvarvon was taken over by Cable and Wireless, Limited from Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company as a result of the merger in 1928, and no undertaking has been given in this House regarding the staff employed there.

I am informed that the number of men who will be compulsorily retired is 16; their average age is 54; and the average number of their years of service is 17. Of the 16 men, 15 are unestablished workmen: they are not entitled to pensions, but they will be given 4½ months' notice and will receive gratuities of half a month's pay for each year of service.