HC Deb 05 December 1939 vol 355 c474W
Colonel Baldwin-Webb

asked the Minister of Supply whether he is aware that the proposal to commandeer for Government purposes some 2,300 acres in Denbighshire involves the expropriation of over 100 families, and that at least 38 notices to quit involving 163 people have already been served on farmers and other individuals giving them only 14 days up to the 4th December to abandon their homes and sources of livelihood; that these persons cannot hold sales of their possessions, implements and stock worth over £50,000; that, as all available accommodation nearby has already been taken by troops and evacuees, some of these families are faced with serious hardship; and whether he will arrange to modify immediately this scheme and to ensure that if the expropriation is essential on national grounds it will at least provide for proper compensation and be carried out in a sympathetic way?

Colonel Llewellin

It is essential on national grounds that possession should be taken of the land in question and my hon. and gallant Friend knows, having himself been present at a deputation which I received on this matter, that everything possible is being done to mitigate the hardship involved and to see how best the question of adequate compensation can be dealt with.