HC Deb 24 November 1938 vol 341 cc1979-80W
Mr. A. Henderson

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will state the total amount expended since 1918 by His Majesty's Government by way of loan, grants, or otherwise for development purposes in African territories held under mandate by His Majesty's Government?

Mr. M. MacDonald

The reply is as follows:

A. Free Grants.
Tanganyika Territory 1920–21 to 1925–26:
408,109 in aid of expenses of administration; 1919–20 and 1920–21 (see under "Loans" as to subsequent years).
43,489 Dar-es-Salaam Electric Power Station.
14,036 Nyanza Salt Mines.
2,002,415 Railways and Public Works (including £49,555 capitalised arrears of interest).
449,506* Deficit in Railways Accounts 1921–22 to 1925–26.
448,093* Deficit on Territory's Accounts 1921–22 and 1922–23.
177,909* War damage restoration.
* No terms yet fixed.
Togoland: Nil.
Cameroons: Nil.
B. Statement of Grants and Loans approved from Colonial Development Fund for Schemes in Tanganyika Territory.
Free Grants. Loans.
£694,014 £92,183

As regards the Cameroons and Togoland, these territories are administered as integral parts of Nigeria and the Gold Coast respectively and, although grants and loans have been made from the Colonial Development Fund to the Governments of Nigeria and the Gold Coast, it is not possible to state what portion of the loans or grants have been applied to the Mandated sections of these Dependencies.

C. Guaranteed Loans.

Two loans, totalling £5,070,000, guaranteed by the United Kingdom Government under the Palestine and East Africa Loans (Guaranteed) Act of 1926 have been raised for railway, harbour, port, road and other works of development in Tanganyika Territory. An instalment of £500,000 on a further loan of £750,000 guaranteed by the United Kingdom Government under the Tanganyika and British Honduras Loans Act, 1932, was raised in June, 1932, far the purpose of refunding to the accumulated surplus balances of the Territory sums expended from revenue on capital works undertaken before the passing of that Act.

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