HC Deb 22 November 1938 vol 341 c1540W
Mr. J. Hall

asked the right hon. and gallant Member for Rye, as representing the Forestry Commissioners, whether the Commissioners have considered an application from the Transport and General Workers' Union for a week's holiday with pay for employés of the Forestry Commission and payment for all statutory holidays; and what was the nature of their reply?

Colonel Ropner

The Forestry Commissioners received from the Transport and General Workers' Union an application on behalf of their members employed by the Forestry Commissioners for one week's annual holiday with pay and payment for all statutory holidays.

Their reply was that the Agricultural Wages Committees were not taking action under the Holidays with Pay Act, 1938, pending the issue of Regulations on the subject by the Minister and that it might be a little time, therefore, before the Commissioners decided what action they would take. The Regulations have since been issued but none of the committees has yet issued any Order under the Act.

Meanwhile the Department's forest workers receive the holidays with pay provided for in effect in the Orders of the respective Agricultural Wages Committees or four days annually where there is no such provision or where the provision is for less than four days.