HC Deb 01 November 1938 vol 340 c55W
Sir E. Graham-Little

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether his attention has been called to the differentiated salaries advertised for men and women in the National Gallery: whether these men and women are doing the same work; and, if so, why the remuneration is not identical?

Captain Wallace

I presume my hon. Friend has in mind the recent advertisement for the post of Keeper of the National Gallery. This is a single post, open either to a man or a woman. The woman's rate of pay was fixed in accordance with normal Civil Service practice, the measure of differentiation being within the limit laid down in the National Whitley Council Agreement of June, 1937.

Name of Commission or Committee. Abridged terms of Reference. Chairman. Date of Appointment. Authority.
Safety in Coal Mines, (Royal Commission.) To inquire whether the safety and health of mine workers can be better ensured by extending or modifying the principles or general provisions of the Coal Mines Act, 1911, or the arrangement for its administration. The Lord Rockley, G.B.E. December, 1935. Royal Warrant.
Structural Precautions against Air Attack. To consider and report as to the nature of material damage likely to result from the dropping of bombs during hostile air attack, and on the extent to which it might be possible to apply protective measures to buildings and provide structural protection for occupants of buildings. Sir Alexander Rouse, C.I.E., F.C.H. February, 1936. Home Office.
Various interim reports, numbering 13 in all have so far been prepared for the Home Office.
Rehabilitation of Persons Injured by Accidents. To inquire into the arrangements at present in operation with a view to the restoration of the working capacity of persons injured by accidents and to report as to what improvements or developments are desirable. Sir Malcolm Delevingne, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. April, 1936. Home Office, Ministry of Health. Scottish Office.
Interim report dated 6th May, 1937, published as Non-Parliamentary Paper No. 32–331/1.
Uniform of Chief Constables. To inquire into and report upon the subject of the uniform of Chief Constables of Counties and Boroughs in England and Wales. Mr. A. L. Dixon, C.B., C.B.E. May, 1936 Home Office.