HC Deb 30 May 1938 vol 336 cc1659-60W
Mr. Markham

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that the Corporation of Nottingham, through its estates committee, declines to appropriate for the purposes of the Small Holdings and Allotments Acts any portion of the 470 acres of land acquired under other powers and used temporarily for the pur- pose of allotments, and that a large area of this type of land, cultivated as allotments for a lengthy period, has been sold to speculative builders; and, in view of the unrest amongst the majority of allotment holders in this city on account of their allotments being held by the corporation for the purposes of speculation, what steps, if any, does he propose to take in order to make their tenure more secure?

Mr. W. S. Morrison:

I am informed by the Corporation that the position with regard to allotments in Nottingham is that approximately 50 acres are controlled by the Allotments Committee, 385 acres by the Estates Committee of the Corporation and 380 acres are let by private owners to plot holders or allotment associations, excluding railway company allotments. That part of the land at present used for allotments which is controlled by the Estates Committee has not been appropriated for allotments and is not vested in the Council for allotment purposes.

I am further informed that some six months ago the Corporation sold for building development approximately 55 acres of land which had not been appropriated for allotments, but was being so used until it became ripe for development; that all the allotment holders concerned were offered alternative accommodation in the vicinity, that no holder who required alternative accommodation was refused, and that financial compensation was paid to all holders who did not take alternative accommodation.

The City Council further informs me that it is not aware of any unrest amongst the majority of allotment holders in the city. The Council is satisfied that the allotment needs of the city are adequately provided for, and in this connection it is stated that at the present time the Corporation has more than 200 vacant allotments which are available for the public.