HC Deb 17 March 1938 vol 333 cc618-9W
Mr. Macquisten

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that in Campbeltown, owing to the shipbuilding yard having been closed, the local coal mine discontinued, and only two distilleries still working, the population, other than the fishermen, are suffering severe unemployment and resultant poverty; that the cost of living is higher than in Glasgow, although rents are lower, so that the means test based on rentals operates with special hardship on persons in Campbeltown; and whether he will make representations to the Unemployment Assistance Board to the effect that the means test should be less rigidly applied and more liberally interpreted in favour of the local population?

Mr. E. Brown

I have no reason to believe that the powers which the Board's officers possess under the national Regulations are not being exercised so as to meet adequately the needs of individual cases in Campbeltown where special circumstances arise. Adjustments on account of rents are made in accordance with the recommendations of the local advisory committee who no doubt took into account all the relevant factors.