HC Deb 03 March 1938 vol 332 c1301W
Mr. M. MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will give urgent consideration to the special problem of the islands and highlands of Scotland in relation to the Old Age Contributory Pensions Acts, with a view to amendment or new legislation, in order to arrive at regulations suited to the conditions in those parts?

Mr. Elliot

If the hon. Member will let me have particulars of the special problems which he has in mind, I shall be glad to consider them.

Mr. E. J. Williams

asked the Minister of Health (1) the number of persons in South Wales and Monmouthshire in receipt of old age pensions for 1930, and each year to date;

(2) the number of widows and dependents in receipt of pensions in South Wales and Monmouthshire from the year 1930 to date?

Sir K. Wood

I regret that the information asked for by the hon. Member is not available as the records of pensioners are not arranged on a territorial basis.