§ Sir J. Withersasked the Home Secretary whether he will state the number of charges made against officers by convicts in His Majesty's prisons of Dartmoor, Maidstone, Parkhurst, and Chelmsford; the number of cases in which the charge was found to be substantiated; the number of charges made by officers against convicts; and the number found to be substantiated?
§ Sir S. Hoare:It is the duty of a prison officer to report any cases in which a prisoner under his supervision behaves in a manner appearing to involve a breach of prison rules. The charge is then heard by the Governor or the Board of Visitors. The number of charges brought in pursuance of this procedure and the number upheld in 1937 after investigation were as follows:—
2426W If a prisoner complains of the conduct of an officer, such complaint is investigated, and if it is substantiated, a disciplinary charge may be brought against the officer. Such a charge would be brought not by a prisoner but by a senior officer. The complaints against officers by prisoners In 1937 were 3 at Chelmsford, 2 at Dartmoor, none at Maidstone and 1 at Parkhurst. None of these complaints was found on investigation to be substantiated.
Charges brought. Charges upheld. Chelmsford … 130 126 Dartmoor … 173 173 Maidstone … 59 59 Parkhurst … 210 200